

Chambers for Innovation and Clean Energy (CICE) is a nationwide network of 1,300 chambers of commerce representing nearly one million businesses. CICE helps chambers navigate the clean energy space and attract investment by communicating the economic benefits of clean energy projects for their communities and encouraging engagement in clean energy opportunities. Through peer-to-peer outreach and support, we empower chamber CEOs to publicly support clean energy with local, regional, and federal policymakers.

Founded by chamber executives, CICE works with chambers in every state in the nation, from very large to the smallest; chambers in rural and urban areas; and chambers in blue states and in red states.

To maximize our work accelerating the transition a clean energy economy, CICE relies on the support of foundations, resource experts, and corporate partners. Join us to help advance clean energy and climate action across the country.

Institutional support is vital to our success, and we deeply value the support of various foundations that help us provide the value to chambers and advance the clean energy economy.

If you would like to be a part of our success in working with business communities across the country, please contact Megan Miraglia at