NC Chamber leaders gather for offshore wind industry summit

Chambers for Innovation and Clean Energy hosted its first-ever Chamber of Commerce North Carolina Offshore Wind Summit on Friday October 27 in Wilmington, NC, a hot spot area for offshore wind development. Chamber and economic development leaders heard from experts in the industry and saw firsthand the $109 billion economic potential of offshore wind (OSW) through supply chain opportunities and development off the coast. 

Presenters included:

  • John Hardin, Executive Director, North Carolina Dept. of Commerce

  • Ashley McLeod, Stakeholder Engagement Director, Kitty Hawk Offshore Wind Project at Avangrid Renewables

  • Ed Conner, President, SpanSet

  • Jeff Andreini, Vice President New Energy Services and Arketa Howard, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, Business Policy and Affairs for Offshore Wind with Crowley Marine Services

  • Jaime Simmons, Southeastern Wind Coalition

  • Mark Fleming, President and CEO, Conservatives for Clean Energy and former President and CEO, Wake Forest, NC Chamber of Commerce

The Wilmington (NC) Chamber of Commerce has seen the impacts offshore wind has had on their local economy and welcomes new development. “I’m so excited for the opportunity and growth brought by offshore wind,” says Megan Mullins, Wilmington Chamber. 

Responding to NC Governor Cooper’s goal of 30 GW of OSW development in the state; several speakers noted the much-anticipated opportunity for new jobs creation and economic growth for the state. “The 30GW target for offshore wind will be big for the economy and for supply chain organizations including steel production,” says Frank Fisher, Nucor. 

Additionally, with over 8,000 components in a wind turbine, there is plenty of opportunity for NC’s 55 wind energy supply chain companies to expand their manufacturing base to support the OSW industry. John Hardin with the North Carolina Department of Commerce honed in on the supply chain opportunities, “Whether you’re on the coast or in the mountains, the state of North Carolina can benefit from offshore wind supply chain opportunities.” Ed Conner with SpanSet said, “Offshore wind is a big opportunity and billion dollar market for supply chain businesses.”

Current NC OSW plans include Avangrid Renewables’ Kitty Hawk Wind project off the coast of Corolla. Over the next decade the project will bring in billions of dollars, including $1.5 billion in construction activities and sales, alone. Ashley McLeod, Lead- OSW Public Affairs, Avangrid Renewables, shared the new clean energy job opportunities for current and upcoming workforce in the state and said, “This is my advice to chambers, you should reach out to your local schools and show kids that the offshore wind industry is a great option for them, with high paying jobs without a 4 year degree.” 

Addressing how NC residents perceive OSW, Jaime Simmons, Southeast Wind Coalition (SEWC) Program Manager, joined the group to bust some OSW myths and share results from a recent study conducted for SEWC. That survey found that 7 in 10 people are supportive of OSW in North Carolina. “We found support for offshore wind in North Carolina across political parties, and many demographics,” said Simmons. 

Ambitious goals paired with ambitious leaders will fuel the clean energy economy and provide opportunities for chamber members and communities across the state. “There isn’t a more valuable ally than local chamber executive and economic development leaders in clean energy development,” says Mark Fleming, Conservatives for Clean Energy. “Chambers are the perfect conveners to be able to get the right information on the table.” 


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