Offshore Wind- a $100 Billion Industry Waiting in the Wings

Offshore wind has a unique opportunity at this moment in time to benefit the US economy and environment. The pipeline of offshore wind projects is estimated to deliver approximately $100 billion in economic investment, more than 80,000 jobs, and provide enough electricity to power millions of homes. 

New England stands at the forefront of this new American energy industry with multiple large projects in development that will deliver thousands of megawatts of clean energy to the grid. These projects will not only deliver competitively priced energy to the Massachusetts and Connecticut ratepayers but will also bring thousands of high-paying jobs, considerable economic investment, and demand for a deep, regional supply chain. 

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Get the Powerpoint from our recent webinar here:

Interested in Supporting Vineyard Wind at the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, please click here for information on participating in the BOEM hearings.